首页 英语培训班 常用旅游英语口语对话,畅游世界的秘诀





1. 问候及登记
A: Welcome to our country! How may I assist you?
B: Thank you! I am here for vacation. I need to check in.
A: Sure, may I have your passport and air ticket, please?
B: Here you go.
A: Thank you. Could you fill in this form, please?

2. 英语询问机场设施
A: Excuse me, where is the currency exchange?
B: It\’s on the second floor, just right across from the information center.
A: Thank you!


1. 预定及登记
A: Good afternoon. How may I help you?
B: Hi, I have a reservation under the name of John Smith.
A: Yes, Mr. Smith, we\’ve been expecting you. Could you please fill in this registration form?
B: Sure, here you go.

2. 英语咨询酒店设施
A: Excuse me, where is the fitness center?
B: It\’s on the fourth floor, next to the swimming pool.
A: Thank you!


1. 点餐
A: Good evening. May I take your order?
B: Yes, I would like a steak, medium rare, please.
A: Anything else?
B: Yes, I would also like a Caesar salad as an appetizer.

2. 英语询问特色菜品
A: Excuse me, what is the chef\’s specialty?
B: Our chef\’s specialty is the sea
food paella. It\’s highly recommended.


1. 导游介绍
A: Welcome to our famous historical site! My name is Mark, and I will be your guide today.
B: Hi Mark, nice to meet you. I\’m excited to learn more about this place.

2. 英语向导游提问
A: Excuse me, how long will the tour last?
B: The tour usually lasts around two hours, depending on the size of the group.


关于作者: acad2018
