首页 英语培训口语班 大学生英语口语对话场景20篇(大学生英语口语对话节日五人)



1. 在咖啡馆点咖啡
学生A:Excuse me, could I have a latte, please?
学生B:Sure, what size would you like? Regular or large?
学生A:I\’ll have a regular size, please.
学生B:Do you want any sugar or cream in it?
学生A:No, thanks. I like it black.

2. 在图书馆向人求助
学生A:Excuse me, could you please show me where I can find the academic journals?
学生B:Sure, they are located on the third floor. Let me show you the way.

3. 在超市购物
学生A:Where can I find the dairy products?
学生B:They are in aisle 5, right next to the fresh produce section.

4. 在饭店点餐
学生A:What do you recommend for dinner?
学生B:Our special today is grilled salmon served with mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables. It\’s delicious!

5. 在课堂上向教授请教问题
学生A:Excuse me, could you please explain this concept to me again? I didn\’t quite understand it.
学生B:Of course, let me break it down for you.


关于作者: acad2018
