首页 英语成人口语培训 英语日常对话口语


1. 问候与介绍
– 问候
– Hello! Hi!
– Good morning/afternoon/evening!
– How are you?/How are you doing?/How\’s it going?
– Nice to meet you!
– 介绍
– This is my friend, *name*. (*name*,这是我的朋友。)
– Let me introduce you to *name*. (*name*,让我介绍你认识一下。)
– Have you met *name*? (*name*,你见过吗?)
2. 询问和回答
– 询问
– What\’s your name? (*name*,你叫什么名字?)
– Where are you from? (*name*,你从哪里来?)
– What do you do? (*name*,你做什么工作?)
– What are you going to do? (*name*,你打算做什么?)
– Can you help me with this? (*name*,你能帮我做这个吗?)
– How much is this? (*name*,这个多少钱?)
– When is your birthday? (*name*,你的生日是什么时候?)
– Why do you like that? (*name*,你为什么喜欢那个?)
– 回答
– My name is *name*. (*name*,我的名字是。)
– I am from *place*. (*name*,我来自于*place*。)
– I am a *job title*. (*name*,我是一名*job title*。)
– I am going to *activity*. (*name*,我打算去*activity*。)
– Sure, I can help you. (*name*,当然,我可以帮你。)
– This is *amount* dollars. (*name*,这个是*amount*美元。)


– My birthday is on *date*. (*name*,我的生日是*date*。)
– I like that because *reason*. (*name*,我喜欢那个因为*reason*。)
3. 餐厅点餐
– 祝酒
– Cheers! (干杯!)
– Here\’s to *event*! (*event*!)
– Let\’s drink to *event*! (*event*,我们来干了杯!)
– Happy *event*! (*event*大快人心!)
– 点菜
– Can I see the menu, please? (能给我看看菜单吗?)
– What do you recommend? (你推荐些什么?)
– I would like to order *dish name*. (我想要点*菜品名字*。)
– Can we have *dish name* to share, please? (我们可以点份*菜品名字*分着吃吗?)
– I am allergic to *ingredient*. Does this dish have *ingredient* in it? (我有*ingredient*过敏,这道菜里面有*ingredient*吗?)
– 结账
– Excuse me, can we have the bill, please? (不好意思,请给我们结账单好吗?)
– Can we pay separately? (我们可以分别付账吗?)
– Here is my credit card/cash. (这是我的信用卡/现金。)
– Keep the change. (找钱不用了。)
4. 日常生活
– 道歉
– I\’

m sorry about *event*. (*event*,我很抱歉。)
– Please forgive me. (请原谅我。)
– I\’ll do better next time. (下次我会做得更好。)
– 抱怨
– I don\’t like *thing you don\’t like*. (*thing you don\’t like*,我不喜欢。)
– This is unacceptable. (这是不可接受的。)
– You need to improve this. (你需要改进这个。)
– 请求
– Can you please help me with *task*? (能帮我做一下*task*吗?)
– Will you please *request*? (请你*request*好吗?)
– Could you please *request*? (你能*request*一下好吗?)

关于作者: acad2018
