首页 英语培训口语班 怎么用英语进行犯罪的口语对话



1. 抢劫(Robbery)


张三: Help! Help! I\’m being robbed!
歹徒: Keep quiet and give me your money!
张三: Okay, okay. Just don\’t hurt me. Here\’s my wallet, take it.

2. 入室盗窃(Burglary)


玛丽: Oh no! My house has been burglarized!
警察: Please stay calm,
ma\’am. Can you describe what happened?
玛丽: I came back home and found the window broken. My valuables are missing.
警察: We will investigate this matter. Did you see anyone suspicious around your house?

3. 诈骗(Fraud)


李华: I received an email claiming that I won a lottery. Is it true?
诈骗者: Yes, it is true. Please provide me with your personal information and bank account details.
李华: Wait, this sounds like a scam. I won\’t give you any personal information. I will report this to the police.

4. 毒品交易(Drug dealing)


警察: Stop right there! We suspect you are involved in drug dealing.
嫌疑人1: I don\’t know what you\’re talking about.
嫌疑人2: Yeah, you\’ve got nothing on us.
警察: We have evidence and witnesses. You\’re under arrest.

5. 走私(Smuggling)


官员: Sir, please open your suitcase for inspection.
嫌疑人: What\’s this about?
官员: We suspect you may be smuggling illegal goods. We need to check.
嫌疑人: I have nothing to hide. Go ahead, check it.


关于作者: acad2018
