首页 英语培训机构 常用英语口语对话内容




1. Greetings and Introductions(问候与介绍)


A: Hi, how are you?
B: I\’m good, thanks. How about you?
A: I\’m great, thanks for asking.

A: Nice to meet you. My name is Lisa.
B: Nice to meet you too, Lisa. I\’m John.

2. Asking for Directions(寻求方向)


A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the nearest subway station?
B: Sure, go straight ahead for two blocks, and then turn left. It will be on your right-hand side.

A: Excuse me, is there a post office nearby?
B: Yes, there is. It\’s just around the corner. You can\’t miss it.

3. Ordering Food(点餐)


A: Hi, I would like to order a cheeseburger and a Coca-Cola, please.
B: Sure, would you like anything else?
A: No, that\’s all, thank you.

A: Can I have a latte with soy milk, please?
B: Of course, would you like it hot or iced?
A: I\’ll have it hot, thank you.

4. Making Appointments(约会)


A: Are you free this Friday evening
B: Yes, I am. What\’s up?
A: How about going to see a movie together?

A: Can we meet next week to discuss the project?
B: Sure, what day and time suits you best?
A: How about Wednesday at 3 p.m.?

5. Expressing Gratitude(表达感谢)


A: Thank you so much for your help!
B: You\’re welcome. I\’m glad I could assist you.

A: I really appreciate what you\’ve done for me.
B: It\’s no problem at all. I\’m happy to help.


关于作者: acad2018
