首页 英语培训口语班 常用服装类英语口语及相关表达




1. 买衣物购物:
– I\’m looking for a dress to wear to the party.(我正找一件礼服穿去参加派对。)
– Do you have this dress in a different color?(这件服装还有其他颜色吗?)
– Can I try on these pants?(我可以试穿这些裤子吗?)
– How much is this t-shirt?(这件T恤多少钱?)
– Do you have any sales or discounts?(你们有折扣吗?)

2. 描述穿着:
– She\’s wearing a black leather jacket and jeans.(她穿着黑色的皮夹克和牛仔裤。)
– He looks very stylish in that suit.(他穿那套西装看起来很时尚。)
– I prefer to wear comfortable clothes like t-shirts and shorts.(我更喜欢穿舒适的衣物,如T恤和短裤。)
– The dress is a bit tight, I need a bigger size.(这件连衣裙有点紧,我需要一个大一号的。)
– The shirt is too loose, it doesn\’t fit me well.(这件衬衫太松了,不合身。)

3. 购物时的尺码问题:
– What size do you wear?(你穿几号尺码?)
– I usually wear a medium/large/small.(我通常穿中号/大号/小号。)
– Do you have this dress in size XS/S/M/L/XL?(这件衣服有XS/S/M/L/XL尺码吗?)
– Does this store carry plus sizes?(这个店有大码吗?)

4. 配饰类表达:
– I need to buy a new pair of sunglasses.(我需要买一副新的太阳镜。)
– This scarf matches my outfit perfectly.(这条围巾与我的服装完美搭配。)
– She always wears a necklace and earrings.(她总是戴着项链和耳环。)
– I love wearing hats, they a
dd a stylish touch to my outfits.(我喜欢戴帽子,它们给我的装束增添了时尚感。)
– Where can I find a good handbag?(我在哪里能找到一个好的手提包?)

5. 关于时尚的谈论:
– This is the latest fashion trend.(这是最新的时尚潮流。)
– I love her sense of style, she always looks so trendy.(我喜欢她的时尚品味,她总是看起来很时尚。)
– Ripped jeans are really popular right now.(破洞牛仔裤现在非常流行。)
– What\’s your favorite fashion brand?(你最喜欢的时尚品牌是什么?)
– She always knows how to put together a fashionable outfit.(她总是知道如何组合时尚的服装。)


关于作者: acad2018
