首页 英语成人口语培训 实用旅游英语口语大全及应用技巧



1. How can I get to the hotel? – 我怎么去酒店?
2. Where is the nearest bus stop/train station? – 最近的公交车站/火车站在哪里?
3. How much is a taxi to the city center? – 去市中心打车多少钱?
4. Is there a metro station nearby? – 附近有地铁站吗?
5. Can I walk to the tourist attractions from here? – 从这里能步行去旅游景点吗?

1. Do you have any available rooms? – 有空房间吗?
2. How much is a single/double room per night? – 单人/双人房间一晚多少钱?
3. Are breakfast and Wi-Fi included? – 早餐和Wi-Fi包含在内吗?
4. Can I have a room with a view? – 我能要一个可以看到景色的房间吗?
5. Can I check out later? – 我能延迟退房吗?

1. Are there any good restaurants nearby? – 附近有好吃的餐厅吗?
2. Can I see the menu, please? – 请给我看一下菜单好吗?
3. What is the specialty of this restaurant? – 这家餐厅的特色菜是什么?
4. I have a food allergy. Can you accommodate my request? – 我有食物过敏。你们能满足我的要求吗?
5. Could you recommend a local dish? – 你能推荐一道当地的菜吗?

1. How much does this c
ost? – 这个多少钱?
2. Can I try it on? – 我能试穿一下吗?
3. Do you have this in a different color/size? – 有其他颜色/尺寸吗?
4. Can you give me a discount? – 可以给我打折吗?
5. Where is the nearest shopping mall/markets? – 最近的购物中心/市场在哪里?

1. Excuse me, where is the nearest hospital/pharmacy? – 对不起,请问最近的医院/药店在哪里?
2. I lost my wallet. What should I do? – 我丢了钱包,我该怎么办?
3. Help! There\’s a fire! – 救命!有火灾了!
4. Can you call the police for me? – 你能帮我报警吗?
5. I need an ambulance, I\’m feeling unwell. – 我需要一辆救护车,我感觉不舒服。


关于作者: acad2018
