首页 英语培训班 实用家庭英语情景口语对话




1. 在家庭聚餐时:
A: Dinner is ready. Let\’s eat.
B: What\’s on the menu tonight?
A: We have steak, mashed potatoes, and salad.
B: It sounds delicious. I\’m hungry.

2. 在家庭放松时:
A: I\’m going to watch TV. Do you want to join me?
B: Sure, what are we going to watch?
A: Let\’s watch a movie. How about an action movie?
B: Sounds good. I\’ll make some popcorn.

1. 各自的日常安排:
A: What are you planning to do this afternoon?
B: I have to do laundry and clean the house.
A: Can I help you?
B: Sure, you can fold the laundry while I clean the house.

2. 购物计划:
A: I need to go grocery shopping. Do you want anything?
B: Can you buy some milk and eggs?
A: Of course. Is there anything else?
B: We also need some bread and vegetables.

1. 友人来访:
A: Hannah is coming over for afternoon tea. Can you bake some cookies?
B: Sure, I\’ll bake some chocolate chip cookies.
A: That sounds great. Let\’s make some tea as well.

2. 庆祝家庭成员的生日:
A: Can you help me prepare for dad\’s birthday party?
B: Sure,
what do you need me to do?
A: Can you buy some balloons and decorations?
B: Of course. I\’ll also order a birthday cake.

1. 请求家庭成员的帮助:
A: I can\’t reach the top shelf. Can you help me grab that book?
B: Of course. Here you go.
A: Thank you so much. You\’re always helpful.

2. 请求家庭成员的意见:
A: I\’m having trouble deciding what to wear to the interview.
B: Let me see your options. I think the blue suit looks the best.
A: I trust your judgment. I\’ll go with the blue suit.



关于作者: acad2018
